by Ralph Lombard

They put Timothy Leary’s ashes in orbit around the earth. FAR OUT, MAN!

God is my soul beneficiary.

Paula ticks me off!

Feel free to wave your flag, but not my rights!

I think therefore I am. I don’t think therefore I am… Republican!

Different asshole, same shit.

Please remember folks, it’s FREEDOM not FREEDUMB.

Narrow-minded people will only worship narrow-minded gods.

Followers of money make very poor leaders of mankind.

If someone throws a tough question at you DONALD DUCK it!

Today’s insult: “You’ve got a good ass there on your shoulders!”

Free Wi-Fi? I didn’t even know he was in jail!

An ill wind blows. It snows.

Chessplayers promote upon reaching the eighth rank.

Phil adored his pawns.

Ruy Lopez beware: Mars shall attack!

What if there is no what if?